U.S. War on Terror is Itself the 'Worst War Crime in Human History' - Scholar

  • 6 years ago
Our tax money is STILL being used to murder Syrians in the ongoing illegal invasion of Syria. Donald Trump promised to pull us out of Obama's illegal wars, in order to get elected. Instead, he is making it even worse.

Idlib, Idlib Chemical Weapons, Idlib Attack, Bashar al Assad, Donald Trump, President, White House, White Helmets, propaganda, Free Syrian Army, bombing, Russian, Putin, T4 Air Base, Israeli Air Strikes, Olive Group, Jisr al-Shughur, Tahrir al-Sham, USS The Sullivans, Kafr Zita, rocket attack, James Mattis, Mad Dog Mattis, Rex Tillerson, H R McMaster, John Bolton, China, North Korea, geopolitics, Homs, Douma, fake gas attack, history, Syria, Assad, cruise missiles, destroyer, war cabinet, Chemical Weapons, Sarin, Jabhat Nusra, Chlorine, Atmah, FSA, rebels, victims, UN Inspectors, Damascus, world war 3, diplomacy, Ghouta, war, oil, Alex Jones, media, attack, bombing, false flag, government, operation gladio, US, intelligence, WW-3, world war, staged, investigation, terror, fear, staged terror attacks, terrorstorm, coverup, Deep State, Iraq, constitution, privacy, media, media coverage, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, patcon, history, OKC bombing, Saudi, Kurds, shadow government, nwo, oligarchy, elitists, feudalism, bombing, false flag attack, martial law, exposed, Isarel, middle east, Turkey, SITE, Daesh, ISIS, ISIL, al-Qaeda, FSA, Assad, Syaria, Syrian, war, air strikes
