Chinese military plane enters S. Korea's air defense ID zone for 7th time this year

  • 6 years ago
중국 군용기 1대, KADIZ 진입

Again, a Chinese reconnnaissance aircraft entered South Korea's air defense identification zone.
According to Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff, the plane entered the KADIZ at around 11 a.m. today local time... from the southwest of Jeju Island.
It left the area some 40 minutes later, and flew into Japan's air defense ID zone.
Then at around 12:43 p.m., Chinese plane reentered the South Korean zone from the southeastern side.
It headed to the northeastern side of the Peninsula,... then turned around and flew back, leaving the zone at nearly four p.m.
The South Korean Air Force dispatched fighter jets immediately to track and warn the plane.
This is the seventh time this year that a Chinese military jet has trespassed Korea's air defense ID zone using a similar route.
A military source told Arirang News that the plane was a Y-9 recon aircraft.
This afternoon, South Korea's foreign affairs ministry summoned China's Minister Councilor in Seoul to express deep regret and to urge Beijing to take measures to prevent such an incident from recurring.
The defense ministry also summoned the Chinese defense attache stationed in Seoul,... Major General Du Nongyi to deliver Korea's strong protest... and to urge China not to do it again.


