Sixth OECD World Forum kicks off at Songdo Convensia

  • 6 years ago
The sixth OECD World Forum,... organized jointly by the OECD and Statistics Korea,... has kicked off at Songdo Convensia in South Korea's western port city of Incheon.
Around three-thousand policymakers,... academics and business leaders from over 1-hundred countries will discuss the theme of "The Future of Well-being."
They'll explore how trends like digitalizatio3n and corporate activities could affect people's well-being.... and see what the public and private sector can do to enhance inclusive growth and people's well-being.
Participants include..... South Korea's finance minister Kim Dong-yeon...., OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria and world-renown economist Jeffrey Sachs.
The three-day event will last through Thursday.
