• 6 years ago
Perth Zoo’s saltwater crocodile Simmo dies
Simmo, the 70-year-old estuarine crocodile, has died at Perth Zoo following suspected gastrointestinal issues.

The beloved and entertaining crocodile, who was more than 4.75 metres long and tipped the scales at about 500kg, had started refusing to eat and keepers had been monitoring him.

He died on Wednesday in his exhibit.

Simmo required little or no food during the cooler seasons but ate more in the warmer months.

Many zoo visitors were in awe when they watched Simmo leap up for his meals, and at his prime, he could launch himself two metres into the air.
Simmo was removed from Darwin Harbour due to concerns about public safety, and he spent several years at wildlife parks, including Janamba crocodile facility in the Northern Territory, before arriving at Perth Zoo in March 1998.

He resisted attempts to introduce a mate, so he had a "bachelor pad" that included a heated pool and artificial turf.

"Simmo may have been a fierce predator, but he made many people smile and will be remembered as a beloved crocodile," Perth Zoo said in a statement on Thursday.


