A Woman Lived With An Inch-Long Bug In Her Ear For An Entire Month

  • 6 years ago
If your day has been going well, you may want to look away now. This is the sort of stuff horror movies are based on. “Oprah Magazine” reported that a woman had been suffering from tinnitus, anxiety, and a ceaseless tickling inside her ear for months.

That is, until one night, when a silverfish bug fell out! The woman had been dismissed by her doctor and told that there was nothing inside. When the silverfish finally came out, the doctor did not even apologize.

According to the woman, this sort of dismissive attitude towards women’s health is not out of the ordinary for medical practitioners. After surviving this horrific and disgusting ordeal, the woman’s doctor would not even give her a referral for an ENT doctor.

After the bug came out, the ear remained infected, and the scratching and tickling did not stop. And when the woman demanded a referral, she was eventually escorted out of the practice.
