Manipulation? Really!

  • 16 лет назад
I'd like to inform you, if you don't know yet, that Russians scientists make the discovery. The researches start in 1975 and finished 2005. ... Human is 100% programmed by nature bioform, in this meaning just the same substation like – animals, birds or plants. But I mast say that human have the singularity, which make him different from all other representative of the fauna, but that is not the point. The point s that the result of the long years of researches and experiments was discovered, that human being born with the individual program. The program start functioning when child borne, and get his own program. This is the unique seed of humanity, this program works off-line, but also can be control on-line. This on-line system was called "manipulation mode". The individual program and the "manipulation mode" definite algorithms of work in our body and psychology of the person. And this program is our – soul. Consequently, now we can tell, that the answer on the question "What is the soul of the human and what is it structure" – founded. Really, the science discover, conclude in that human is biological robot, first of all that our scientists translate the ancient text. The source of knowledge about the human psyche in the catalog "Shan Hay Dzin" (the catalog of Mountains and seas). That is the ancient manuscript. This manuscript is Catalog of Human Population with more then 300 individual programs of homo sapiens. All programs have subgroup, and this subgroup is the program and "manipulation mode". ... This system was tested more then 20 years and it don't have the analog. This system can be used in any field: politic, business, education, medicine, management. EVERYWERE. But the most interesting effect you can have if you use it for yourself. The more information you can get at the web site (, Unfortunately this site doesn't translate at foreign languages, but we work on it. That all for today, but we'll meet again my friends.


