• 7 年前

何欣穗、王宏恩、巴奈、吳昊恩、嚴詠能 齊力讚賞推薦

「關於我聽不懂的語言,是人的聲音、歌的弦律與樂器之間彼此的對話在吸引著我。曉君的聲音無疑屬於大地,土黃色中帶點橘紅,自然、沉穩讓人安定,也冷不防會耍一下俏皮,就連她的創作亦是如此!《順著河流走》,當音樂結束時我發現,河流的終點是...起點 。」—ciacia 何欣穗

聆聽曉君的音樂,就像赤足走過清晨沾滿露水的草原,清新且真實;讓人自然的、自由的與音樂相遇。 —吳昊恩




2011 and 2014 Taiwan Music Composition and Songwriting Contest Winner for Indigenous Language Category

Tai Siao-chun’s history is a medley that includes the rock-and-roll environment of the big city during her time at university, becoming a music teacher upon returning to her tribal village, and spending time with the elderly of Hengchun in the context of folk music. She also went to Australia and performed on the streets just to settle down after the onslaught of popularity that came with winning big awards. Her rich diversity of life experiences gives her simple yet explosive voice a firmness that is both refined and gentle. Nearly 20 musicians have contributed to this album of 10 select songs (8 indigenous language and 2 Mandarin Chinese) in a fusion of pop, folk, and world music.

927164 親愛的月亮【Album Version】
926410 悲傷彩布【原住民語】【2014年原創流行音樂大獎首獎】
927163 一杯酒的孤單
926409 順著河流走【原住民語】
