Tender moment schoolchildren help struggling elderly ice cream seller push cart up hill

  • 6 years ago
This is the heartwarming moment three young school children helped a struggling old lady to push her cart up a hill in the Philippines.

While cars drove by, the youngsters noticed the elderly ice cream seller bent double trying to food trolley up an incline and over a bridge.

Two of the youngsters went around the back of the cart and helped the old lady to push, while one of the boys went to the front to drag it.

The touching moment of kindness was captured by a passing driver on an uphill road in Pasig City, Metro Manila, on November 28.

They said: ''It's beautiful to see young children helping their elders. They still have a lot of respect for the grown-ups.

''The children have been brought up well. Even when cars had passed the old lady, they still went to help her.

''Perhaps she rewarded them with ice cream after, but I don't think they would have expected it.''


