Brett Favre Was Tricked Into Recording A Video With Anti-Semitic Undertones

  • 6 years ago
The internet can be a real clusterf*ck. “BuzzFeed News” reported that a group of white supremacists have been exploiting celebrities using a video app called “Cameo.” The app, which allows users to pay celebrities to record personalized messages, was used by these hate groups to spread anti-semitic conspiracy theories. And, to make matters worse, they were able to get these messages to come straight from the mouths of beloved celebrities.

Alt-right leaders associated with the “GDL,” or “Goyim Defense League” “bragged” about their tactics on a livestream in late November, according to “BuzzFeed News.”

Among these celebrities were prolific quarterback Brett Favre, who was mislead into spreading coded racist messages. “BuzzFeed News” reported that, while they viewed the videos, they would not share them, since the users “said in livestreams” that they want “the recordings to go viral.”
