Two Koreas conclude joint excavation of relics at Manwoldae site

  • 6 years ago
올해 개성 만월대 남북 공동 발굴 종료…내년 2월 재개

Meanwhile, according to the unification ministry, the two Koreas have wrapped up their joint project to excavate ancient relics at a site in Gaeseong.
According to the ministry, 10 South Koreans, working with 50 to 60 North Koreans,... were able to discover the layout of the ancient Goryeo Dynasty palace of Manwoldae .
The ministry says the next round of joint excavations will start next February.
The inter-Korean excavation project resumed in November... following a working-level meeting by the two sides in September.
It had been suspended for three years after the shutdown of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex in 2016.