• 7 years ago
Anterior Hip & Thigh Pain: Femoral Nerve Glides
If you have a dull ache, tingling, loss of sensation in the front of the hip area or weakness into the knee, this exercise may help. Using a towel, lie on your belly with your forehead resting on your forearm. Hold on to the towel wrapped around your lower leg above your ankle. Have your low back in some extension at the start for the rest position. Then, flatten the low back by reversing the extension and flex the knee while pulling the towel to bring the heel closer to the butt and extend your neck backwards then release with continuous movement. This will help mobilize the nervous system with a bias on the femoral nerve. Do this continuous movement for 60 seconds for 4 sets daily. If you have any pain during the exercise or are unsure about what you are doing, consult your local Physiotherapist before continuing.





