Blue House dismisses claims that president's plane was blacklisted by U.S.

  • 6 years ago
청와대, 대통령 전용기 대북제재 보도에 ‘美 대북제재 예외 협의 없었어

Some media reports have speculated that the reason President Moon Jae-in flew west, stopping in Europe, on his way to Argentina last month for the G20 summit was because the South Korean presidential plane... is subject to U.S. sanctions and couldn't stop in America.
The Blue House today is denying those reports.
A spokesperson said Thursday that the reason the president went via the Czech Republic is completely unrelated to the sanctions on North Korea.
Those sanctions ban any plane that's landed in North Korea from landing in the U.S. without cearance 180 days in advance.
The Blue House said there were no discussions with the U.S. related to that matter.
Rather, the Czech Republic was chosen as a midway refueling point for the plane, he said, and flying west was better in terms of biorhythm.
In September, President Moon's plane did of course land in North Korea when he went to Pyeongyang for his third inter-Korean summit.