Nat'l Assembly Speaker, floor leaders of 5 main parties agree to open December session on Monday

  • 6 years ago
文의장-5당 원내대표, 12월 임시국회 열기로 합의

National Assembly Speaker Moon Hee-sang and the floor leaders of South Korea's five main parties finally reached an agreement this afternoon... to open an extraordinary session for December starting next Monday, the 17th.
Speaking to reporters after holding two separate meetings on Friday, the ruling party floor leader Hong Young-pyo said the leaders agreed that in the December session they'll pass bills related to people's livelihoods, and that more discussions will follow over the next few days regarding how long the session will last and which bills to include.
He said future discussions will also touch on reforming the nation's electoral system, something some of the smaller opposition parties want to take up.
The leaders of some of them have been on a hunger strike for the past nine days, demanding a deal on electoral reform by the end of this year.


