• 6 years ago
BalconyTV Barcelona Sponsored By//

Estrella Damm

Views// Ohla Hotel

Microphones By// Røde

LE NAIS performs the song "DANCING" for BalconyTV.

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Le Nais és l'artista convidada del nostre episodi 300 perquè simbolitza tots els valors en els que creiem a BalconyTV Barcelona. Talent emergent i una veu totalment nova; una artista a la que costa rastrejar per Internet i de la qual sabem poques coses. I per això, més que ningú altre, avui havia d’estar al nostre balcó, on cada dijous us portem les propostes emergents i també consolidades més especials i vibrants de la ciutat. Episodi a episodi, setmana rere setmana, hem vist créixer els grups i solistes que un dia van passar pel balcó i, molt emocionats, els hem vist tornar aquí, a casa, convertits en noms cabdals de l’escena nacional.

Le Nais ens interpreta “Dancing”, vestida només amb la seva guitarra i una veu envellutada, en la línia d'artistes com Anna Calvi, Julia Holter o la nostra local hero, Núria Graham. I ja sabem dues coses: que el pròxim 21 de desembre Le Nais publicarà un nou single i que es convertirà en una de les teves artistes preferides del 2019.


Le Nais is the chosen guest to star our 300th episode because she embodies all the values Balcony Tv Barcelona believe. She is an unknown face and a new voice; someone who is hard to trace on the Internet and whom we know little or none. And that is exactly why she had to be in our balcony, where every Thursday we bring you the most unique and vibrant up-and-coming acts. Week after week, we’ve seen artists who have performed here become hugely popular, and it makes us really happy and proud when they come back home, to our balcony, as key members of the national scene.

Le Nais performs the track “Dancing”, armed with her guitar and a velvety voice, channeling her inner Anna Calvi, Julia Holter or our local hero, Núria Graham. And we know two things for a fact: Le Nais has a new single coming out on December 21st and that she will become one of your favorite artists of this new 2019.


Production and Direction: clicksound
Sound & Audio post-production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound

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