S. Korea confirms eleven N. Korean guard posts in DMZ have been disabled

  • 6 years ago
합참 "북한 시범철수 대상 GP 11개소, 불능화 이행 완료 확인"

The nation's Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed the demolition and disablement of the designated North Korean guard posts in the Demilitarized Zone.
This comes after Seoul and Pyeongyang removed ten GPs and disarmed one each back in November, then conducted on-site inspections together last week.
Kan Hyeong-woo zooms in on how the two sides are working to implement the comprehensive military agreements signed in September.
On Monday, South Korea's military confirmed that the demolition or disarmament of eleven guard posts on the North Korean side of the border has been completed after its on-site inspection last week and additional analysis over the last few days.
Announcing the results of last Wednesday's on-site joint verification of guard post demolition, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the two Koreas' militaries see eye to eye in that the pre-selected guard posts on each side are no longer capable of carrying out any military activities.
During the on-site verification last week, South Korea sent eleven inspection crews made up of seven members each to the North's guard posts in the morning. North Korea also sent its eleven teams across the Military Demarcation Line to conduct their verification work in the afternoon.
Although North Korea is confirmed to have pulled out all troops and weapons from the disabled guard posts,... not everything has been removed from the sites. A military official said one or two crenels, or gun slits, were observed near five of the eleven guard posts,... but are believed to not be functional.
North Korea's inspection teams reportedly gave a positive on-site assessment of the South's disablement of its guard posts, but demanded that the South remove the remains of torn-down wire fences that used to surround the guard posts.
With Monday's confirmation, the South and North are now known to have about 50 and 150 guard posts standing in the Demilitarized Zone, respectively.
"In conclusion, both Koreas confirm that, through the on-site inspections, we have fully implemented the agreement to pull out eleven guard posts on a trial basis... as stated in the September's comprehensive military accord."
The Joint Chiefs of Staff added that while the country's military continues to maintain a strong security posture,... it will support the peace process on the Korean Peninsula.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News


