How to Make Money Selling Things Online with Digital Products

  • 6 years ago
Click on the link below to discover tricks and ideas to make more money with affiliate marketing.

Hello, today I'm going to talk about how to make money selling things online when it comes to digital products, really 3 things you can do today that do work.

The good thing about digital products is that you can keep much more of the money. If you sale something that is physical, say it's with Amazon that you get a very tiny amount of money.

This is the problem with dropshipping, it's the race to the bottom because most people just look at price.

The challenge with digital products is they are not easy to sale. If you think you can just drop a link and make a truckload of cash from an affiliate offer then you are going to think the whole thing is a scam.

Maybe that worked when the Internet was first created, but now people are skeptical and for good reason.

This is probably why people do think it's a scam because they don't make any money and there ego can't take it, so they just blame something else and it is not there fault right?

If you are not making any money in affiliate marketing it is your fault. Same thing with me everything is my fault. This really is the most important tip and it probably will make you happier. By thinking everything is your fault, you give yourself power.

If you blame everyone else, you give them power.

How can we make money selling digital products online? The next tip is people are lazy. This is good because lazy people created the car and internet.

This means you got to give someone a reason to buy a digital product. You have to create some urgency otherwise people will just think about it forever. You have to get people to take action and this is not easy.

You can either set up a time limit where you can raise the price or set up a time limit to take the offer of the table. There really should be some type of time limit.

Just doing this will make more money for you.

I know what you might be thinking, if it isn't your product how are you supposed to do this? One idea is to only market products that have this built in scarcity, this built in time limit. This is great when it comes to new launches because usually there is a time limit.

The second option is to create a bonus. Ideally you want a video and you can mention this bonus that if they purchase whatever digital product you are selling it you will include it.

With this bonus, you then can create a time limit around the entire offer. Does that make sense? There really is a whole lot more to selling digital products online, the worst thing you can do is try to figure everything out on your own, what I mean is not go get help and this is the third tip and probably by far the most important.

It's much easier to find someone who is successful and then just copy them. You don't have to re-invent the wheel.

Of course we have ego's and we don't like to ask for help. If you want to know who I recommend you learn
