PM Lee says only international community can agree to ease sanctions on N. Korea

  • 6 years ago
이총리, "대북제재, 국제사회 합의로만 완화될 수 있어"

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon said sanctions targeting North Korea can only be eased with the agreement of the international community.
The PM during his tour of Daewoo Engineering and Construction's Ras Djinet Power Plant on his third day in Algeria on Tuesday local time, said that North Korea's power supply infrastructure was underdeveloped and that Seoul was interested in cooperating with Pyeongyang in the power supply sector.
But he added that any further talks on the sector may be against the UN sanctions on the regime.
The Prime Minister reiterated that despite North Korea's denuclearization being a precondition, South Korea should prepare for economic cooperation with the North.
Seoul's PM arrived in Morocco later on Tuesday, the second destination on his visit to North Africa.
