What are Good Topics to Write About for Affiliate Marketers?

  • 6 years ago
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Hey, today I want to talk about what are good topics to write about for Affiliate Marketers 4 ideas if you are facing writers block, plus how to get more views on what you write about.

As affiliate marketers we all want more traffic and one of the best ways to get free traffic is by creating content.

For me, I first write about the content, then I take it and create a video, podcast and submit that puppy to as many places as I can.

We all get writers block at times. How do you come up with what to talk about? One idea, is whatever I want to learn about at the time and this changes.

Maybe it's Linkedin for example, so I will learn about it and as soon as I learn something in my own words I will write an article about it.

I don't care, if it's complete garbage I don't judge what I write, I just start writing and momentum takes care of it.

Then what I usually do is go to keyword planner and type in the topic. This comes up with many ideas and I'm looking for lots of traffic at least 100-1k visitors a month.

Then what I will do is take that keyword and type it into Google with quotes around it. The amount of pages that comes up tells me the amount of competition there is and this is important.

Sometimes like with this topic there is only 71 results, so it's very easy to rank for that keyword. This has been my strategy on what to write about.

Another really killer idea is to write a question into Google. Then there is a little menu below that says, people also ask. This gives you similar things to write about.

The more questions you open up by hitting the upside down arrow the more more other questions you can get. This gives you an unlimited amount of crap to write about. Great idea right?

You can take one of these new questions and plug it into keyword planner and Goggle to see how much competition and traffic that keyword gets.

Another great idea is to use Youtube search engine. You will notice that when you start typing it gives you ideas on similar material and this can all be used. Plus I usually use the YouTube search engine to come up with keywords and that is another great tip.

The last idea I have for you on what to write about is to use Facebook groups or Forums and pay attention to what your niche wants to know about.

Then create content around those topics.

I hope you got some ideas on this content on what are good topics to write about for Affiliate Marketers, if you did please hit the thumbs up button.

Also, if you are serious about making money with affiliate marketing you don't have to re-invent the wheel.

The easiest thing to do is find someone “really” good and just copy them. If you want to know who I recommend then click on the link below or go to trustthelink.com, by for now.
