Why some people DON'T encourage you to sell Real Estate

  • 6 years ago
I'm shocked to see all the comments that people are AGAINST them getting into real estate. But come to think of it, I've had the same things told to me. Thankfully I didn't listen and I was lucky to also have a few people supportive of my decision.

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"Are you sure you want to sell real estate?"
"It's super competitive, it's hard to make money."
"You need more experience before you do that."
"You can't make money in this market."
"Go to college first, then should do it."

I've heard it all. But now that I'm nearly 9 years into it, here's my perspective WHY some people don't want you to sell real estate.

Logical, somewhat true reasons:
-Inconsistent income
-No guaranteed income
-High failure rate
-No experience

Personal reasons:
-Their own insecurities
-Threatened that you will become more successful
-Some people are misinformed
-They really care about you and want to protect you from risk

Watch until the end - there’s a puppy in a Pikachu costume. It’s totally worth it to watch all the way through.
