Part Time Remote Jobs from Home - 5 Benefits of Affiliate Marketing & 1 Con!

  • 6 years ago
Click on the link below to discover tricks and ideas to make more money with affiliate marketing.

Hey, today I'm going to be talking about part time remote jobs from home and 5 benefits of choosing the job of an affiliate marketing and 1 disadvantage that you should know about.

Before I got involved in affiliate marketing I actually was involved in an MLM company. When I ran out of my friends and family to talk to and decided to use the telephone and getting targeted leads to grow my business.

This was how I got so interested in the internet because I didn't want to cold-call people. A big pro when it comes to affiliate marketing is you really don't need to spend a lot of money to start.

You don't need a website or even a list. What I mean by a list is an email list of people that is your target market.

What you do need is the right education. Honestly, I did so many things wrong for so long and wasted tons of time.

This was all due to me being too proud to get help. I though I could just figure things out on my own. Even Warren Buffet learned from Ben Graham.

If you find someone who knows what they are doing specifically with affiliate marketing that is half of the battle.

Can you guess what the other half of the battle is? Yea, doing the work. Another pro with affiliate marketing is you really can do this when you are not working your job, and it's very flexible.

Say you work a 9 to 5 job and can't start working till 8Pm at night. You can do a lot of damage from 8Pm to 2AM in the morning.

The third benefit of affiliate marketing is you can make passive income. What I mean by passive income is that you do the work one time and you can make money over and over again into the future.

This depends on the program you work with of course. The fourth benefit of affiliate marketing is that when you do sale something you can keep much more of the money.

If you do drop shipping usually you have to compete on price and it's a race to the bottom. As an affiliate marketer there are programs where you can keep 100% of the money and that is difficult to find anywhere else.

The fifth benefit to affiliate marketing is that it's fun. You just have to ensure that you pick a niche that you are interested in.

I'm not going to talk about makeup or shampoo because I have 0 interest in it. This also can change with time as well.

We went over 5 benefits to affiliate marketing, what about disadvantages to it. One disadvantage to it is the money can be all over the place. Some months can be good and some can be bad.

You really need to have patience and stick things out to see the real rewards. A lot of people have problems with this.

You also need to have discipline as well. I hope you got some value from this video or podcast about part time remote jobs from home and 5 benefits of choosing the job of an affiliate marketing.

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