Disco Inferno vs Vampiro

  • 16 years ago
From the 17/01/00 Nitro.
DISCO INFERNO (with Big Vito & Johnny "the Bull") v. (el) VAMPRIO (canadiense) - Word is, there'll be some word about what's going to happen with the World Championship this Wednesday on THUNDER! - and by God, that'll DEFINITELY make it special again! Tony tells us that that "very, very special THUNDER!" will be taped in Evansville. Disco Inferno is not Masahiro Chono - I leave it to you to decide the goodness or badness of that last sentence. Commentators compliment Vampiro profusely - guess he's staying? Leapfrog, side kick. Knife-edge chop, spin kick. Into the corner, reversed, Disco with a monkey flip, but Vampiro lands on his feet. Uranage! (Or if you're Tony, "chokeslam manoeuvre") Twisting moonsault off the top - MISSES! Disco stomps away, then throws Vampiro out to the two boyz. Doubleteam ensues with the punching and the forearms, and they throw him back in the ring. Referee "Blind" Billy Silverman seems to have caught a whiff, as he sends them away from the action. Disco sent off the ropes, but driving Vampiro's head to the mat. Clothesline sends Vampiro into a somersault. Off the ropes, gutshot, Chartbuster attempt is pushed off. Off the ropes, gutshot, swinging neckbreaker DOES work, but only gets 2. Off the ropes, atomic drop by Disco Inferno, side Russian legsweep - 1, 2, nope. "Disco sucks" chant starts up again. Scooooop - and a slam. Second rope posing - elbowdrop fights nothin'. Vampiro on top - twisting leg lariat. Face plant. Superkick takes Inferno outside the ring. The friends are back over, and throwing Inferno back in - geez, they're not ACTING like his friends - Nail in the Coffin - good night. (3:51) 10-10-220 provides the replay - uranage, Nail in the Coffin, pin, entrance.