Nothing to announce on whether Pompeo will visit N. Korea: State Dept.

  • 5 years ago
미 국무부, 김정은 방중 이후 "폼페이오 방북 계획 없어"

With Kim Jong-un's visit to Beijing arousing speculation about an imminent Pyeongyang-Washington summit, the possibility of a high-level meeting between the two sides is also emerging.
But the U.S. State Department says there is nothing scheduled as of now.
For details let's turn to our Lee Ji-won.
According to Radio Free Asia, the State Department's spokesperson for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, Katina Adams, said Tuesday there is nothing to announce in terms of a visit to North Korea by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
There has been speculation he might go to Pyeongyang since he did after each of Kim Jong-un's trips to Beijing last year.
Some also think Kim's latest trip could mean that a second Kim-Trump summit is imminent, which would require a high-level meeting, at the very least, to prepare.
But there's been no official response from the U.S. about Kim's visit to Beijing.
When asked to respond, Adams simply told RFA to ask China.
And from President Trump, not even a tweet.
But behind the scenes, North Korea and the U.S. appear to be working to make the Kim-Trump summit happen.
South Korea's ambassador to the United States, Cho Yoon-je , told reporters on Tuesday that a preparatory meeting for the 2nd Kim-Trump summit could be held soon.
"It's understood that North Korea and the U.S. are continuing exchanges behind the scenes to prepare for the summit. And since President Trump and Kim Jong-un are determined to meet again, there are high expectations that a preparatory meeting will be held soon."
These behind-the-scenes communications are reportedly led by Stephen Biegun, Washington's special representative for North Korea.
But it's not clear if North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister, Choe Son-hui, is at the other end of the line.
Publicly, talks between North Korea and the U.S. appear to have stalled since November last year, when Secretary Pompeo's meeting with his counterpart Kim Yong-chol was postponed at the North's request due to "scheduling issues."
But various reports, citing U.S. officials, said Pyeongyang actually wasn't ready.
With the talks allegedly stalled due to a difference of view in terms of the denuclearization process and what rewards North Korea should get for following through, experts say the two sides will need to come to terms on that... if the high-level talks are going to be held.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.


