If you Floss Smells After Flossing, you have a serious problem on your hands: https://bestoralbelectrictoothbrush.com/floss-smells-after-flossing-whats-the-reason/
Don’t feel isolated because this problem is more common than you think. About 50% of the general population encounter this problem. Out of the 50%, 90% is because of the oral cavity, 9% is due to other non oral reasons such as gastrointestinal system, urinary system or respiratory. The other 1% is due to drugs and diet.
Bad breath that you smell when flossing your teeth is because there are certain bacteria in the mouth which release volatile compounds that mix with each other and cause various disgusting odours. Here are the typical culprits:
sulphur compounds, aromatic compounds, nitrogen-containing compounds
Don’t feel isolated because this problem is more common than you think. About 50% of the general population encounter this problem. Out of the 50%, 90% is because of the oral cavity, 9% is due to other non oral reasons such as gastrointestinal system, urinary system or respiratory. The other 1% is due to drugs and diet.
Bad breath that you smell when flossing your teeth is because there are certain bacteria in the mouth which release volatile compounds that mix with each other and cause various disgusting odours. Here are the typical culprits:
sulphur compounds, aromatic compounds, nitrogen-containing compounds