Trump Says He Finds China To Be ‘More Honorable’ Than ‘Cryin’ Chuck And Nancy’

  • 6 years ago
President Trump addressed a wide range of issues during a press briefing on Thursday.

President Trump told reporters on Thursday that he finds China to be "more honorable" than Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  "I find China, frankly, in many ways to be far more honorable than Cryin' Chuck and Nancy," Trump said. "I really do."  Trump also commented: "China is actually much easier to deal with than the opposition party."  The statements come amid the trade negotiations between the U.S. and China and Trump's efforts to get Congress to approve $5.7 billion dollars for his wall along the US-Mexico border.   In regard to the former, Axios notes that "both countries just held their first talks this week since agreeing to a 90-day trade war ceasefire in December."  Trump and the Democratic Congressional leaders met on Wednesday, with Trump ultimately walking out and declaring the talks aimed toward resolving the partial government shutdown "a total waste of time." 
