When lost souls meet and make beautiful music together..
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A soul-stirring comedy about what happens when lost souls meet and make beautiful music together. Gretta and her long-time boyfriend Dave are college sweethearts and songwriting partners who decamp for New York when he lands a deal with a major label. But the trappings of his new-found fame soon tempt Dave to stray, and a reeling, lovelorn Gretta is left on her own. Her world takes a turn for the better when Dan, a disgraced record-label exec, stumbles upon her performing on an East Village stage and is immediately captivated by her raw talent. From this chance encounter emerges an enchanting portrait of a mutually transformative collaboration, set to the soundtrack of a summer in New York City.
A Movie directed by John Carney (ONCE)
Cast : Keira Knightley, Adam Levine, Mark Ruffalo, Hailee Steinfeld
Catherine Keener, James Corden
Release Date :
© Weinstein
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Subscribe Here & NOW ➨ http://bit.ly/16lq78C
Best ROMANCES here ➨ http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8F248A39E129F4F0
A soul-stirring comedy about what happens when lost souls meet and make beautiful music together. Gretta and her long-time boyfriend Dave are college sweethearts and songwriting partners who decamp for New York when he lands a deal with a major label. But the trappings of his new-found fame soon tempt Dave to stray, and a reeling, lovelorn Gretta is left on her own. Her world takes a turn for the better when Dan, a disgraced record-label exec, stumbles upon her performing on an East Village stage and is immediately captivated by her raw talent. From this chance encounter emerges an enchanting portrait of a mutually transformative collaboration, set to the soundtrack of a summer in New York City.
A Movie directed by John Carney (ONCE)
Cast : Keira Knightley, Adam Levine, Mark Ruffalo, Hailee Steinfeld
Catherine Keener, James Corden
Release Date :
© Weinstein
✓ Subscribe now 2 catch the best trailers and the latest HD official movie trailer, film clip, scene and video !
Short film