Manikarnika Actor Nihar Pandya Doesn't want to be called as Deepika Padukone's ex. Actor Nihar Pandya, who will be seen performing in Kangana Ranaut starrer Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, doesn’t want himself to be addressed as ‘Deepika Padukone‘s ex’. Nihar and Neeti are reportedly getting married on February 15. The actor says that he has no hard feelings for Deepika in his heart but he is fed up of being referred to as her former love. Nihar asserts that he has his own identity and he is constantly working hard towards maintaining that.
#ManikarnikaTheQueenofJhansi #NiharPandya #DeepikaPadukone
#ManikarnikaTheQueenofJhansi #NiharPandya #DeepikaPadukone