Petty offenders say they’ve reformed as they walk to freedom

  • 5 years ago
The Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH) has launched a peace initiative geared towards promoting peaceful existence among different ethnic communities in Kenya.

The initiative which was launched at the historic Uhuru Gardens Memorial Park is a joint partnership between TICAH and the National Museums of Kenya.

The launch bringing together people from over 18 ethnic backgrounds saw the unveiling of a symbolic ground dabbed “Mahali pa Umoja” which organisers say will be open to people from all walks of life.

Speaking during the launch on Friday, Kenya National Museums’ Director of Sites and Monuments Dr Purity Kiula urged Kenyans to embrace positive cultural practices in a bid to promote cohesion and unity.

“As Kenyans our heritage is the same, our origins are the same, so we are the same people,” said Kiula. She further said that the Kenya National Museums will explore partnerships with other agencies as well to push the peace agenda forward.
