Full version Anaximander For Kindle

  • 6 tahun yang lalu
AnaximanderMarvelous. . . . A wonderful book."-Humana.Mente"Rovelli is the dream author to conduct us on this journey."-Nonfiction.fr"At this point in time, when the prestige of science is at a low and even simple issues like climate change are mired in controversy, Carlo Rovelli gives us a necessary reflection on what science is, and where it comes from. Rovelli is a deeply original thinker, so it is not surprising that he has novel views on the important questions of the nature and origin of science."-Lee Smolin, founding member and researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and author of The Trouble with PhysicsWinner of the Prix du Livre Haute Maurienne de l AstronomieCarlo Rovelli, a leading theoretical physicist, uses the figure of Anaximander as the starting point for an examination of scientific thinking itself: its limits, its strengths, its benefits to humankind, and its controversial relationship with religion. Anaximander, the sixth-century BC Greek philosopher, is often called the first scientist because he was the first to suggest that order in the world was due to natural forces, not supernatural ones. He is the first person known to understand that the Earth floats in space
