Actor Anil Kapoor just saw the release of his film, Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, to positive reviews this Friday and was all smiles as he walked the ramp on Saturday at the ongoing Lakme Fashion Week in Mumbai.
Looking dapper in a black kurta pajama, the actor was joined by his niece, Janhvi Kapoor, who sizzled in a black outfit by designer Raghavendra Rathore. And cheering them on from the sidelines was none other than Ranveer Singh.
True to his nature, Anil even drifted from his walk to accept Ranveer’s greetings before finishing with perfection
Looking dapper in a black kurta pajama, the actor was joined by his niece, Janhvi Kapoor, who sizzled in a black outfit by designer Raghavendra Rathore. And cheering them on from the sidelines was none other than Ranveer Singh.
True to his nature, Anil even drifted from his walk to accept Ranveer’s greetings before finishing with perfection