Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 1 - Stanza 1 | Bhagavad Gita Series

  • 5 years ago
Before the first chapter, we can see Arjuna depressed and in a severely disturbed state of mind, with his bow loosely clutched in his hands. His head bent down in discouragement and he is unable to even stand straight. Find out what happens after that in this video.

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1. The first chapter of Bhagavad Gita opens with the depressed blind King Dhritarashtra anxiously seated in his palace.

2. Among the 700 stanzas of Bhagavad Gita, this was the only time when King Dhritharashtra is quoted.

3. King Dhritharashtra loyal charioteer, Sanjaya Gavalgani was blessed by Sage Vyasa with the gift of Divya-Drishti (seeing events at a distance).

4. King Dhritharashtra was curious about what was happening on the battlefield and so he asked Sanjaya about the happenings.

5. The first stanza delivered as follows;
Dhritharashtra Uvacha: Dharma-kshetra Kurukshetra Samaveta Yuyutsava:Mamakah Pandavas Chaiva Kim Akurvata Sanjaya!!

6. This stanza can be roughly translated as;
King Dhritharashtra says: O Sanjaya, what did the two armies, of my sons (Kauravas) and Pandus sons (Pandavas) do, after assembling for war in the divine and pious battlefield of Kurukshetra?

7 Get to know what happens after this, in our next video from the Bhagavad Gita series coming up next Thursday.

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