Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 1- Stanza 42, 43 & 44 | Artha | Bhagavad Gita Series

  • 5 years ago
In this video find out what Arjuna says about the violation of duties for Kula-Dharma and Jaati-Dharma.

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1 The forty-second verse is as follows;

|| Doshair Etaih Kula-Ghnanam Varna-Sankara-Karakaih

Utsadyante Jati-Dharmah Kula-Dharmascha Shashvatah ||

2 The verse can be roughly translated as;

The misdeeds of these unfortunate descendants and the depredators eventually will result in eradication of the age old traditions and values attributed to the society and dignitary of the lineage.

3 The forty-third verse is as follows;

|| Utsanna-Kula-Dharmanam Manushyanam Janardhana

Narake ‘Niyatam Vaso Bhavati’ty Anushusruma ||

4 Here Arjuna is trying to say that;

O Janardhana (Krishna), we have heard from learned disciples that such people will always reside in hellish dwellings.

5 In the forty-fourth verse, Arjuna says this;

|| Aho Bata Mahat Papam Kartum Vyavasita Vayam

Yad Rajya-Sukha-Lobhena Hantum Sva-Janam Udyatah ||

6 It can be roughly translated as;

Alas! How strange is it that we are still set to commit this great sin of killing our own relatives, just for the greed of royal luxuries.

7 The end of the Bhagavad Gita's first chapter is near. In next video of this series, you'll see how Arjuna gets disappointed and renounces his Gandhiva longbow

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