How to do email marketing in 2019?

  • 5 years ago
Do you think Email Marketing is Dead?

Email Marketing is an important aspect of omnichannel marketing strategy in 2019.

Did you know that email marketing has the highest ROI compared to any other digital marketing channel?

The average rate of return for email marketing is $38 for a mere $1 investment

3 email marketing Tips:

Tip 1: Add Value

Do not try to fool the customers using misleading subject lines. Add value when sending emails.

Tip 2: Respect Privacy

Be respectful of your customer’s privacy.

Do NOT send emails to someone who has unsubscribed from your emails.

Tip3: List & Audience Segmentation

Segment users based on variable such as age, gender, devices, location or interests to generate higher ROI.

Those were my three tips to NAIL email marketing in 2019.

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#omnidigit #emailmarketing #growthhacking #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing
00:07Hey Shashank.. Hey Rebecca.. Hi everybody. So Shashank, you are a
00:11really good whiz at email marketing.
00:15So give us three good tips...
00:17...that we can do to improve our email marketing.
00:19Great question Rebecca.
00:20First guys, email marketing is not dead. I have heard a lot of rumors
00:25going on everywhere in the industry that email marketing is
00:29doesn't work...bla bla bla.
00:32It's not dead...Before I give you 3 tips, make sure that you
00:35subscribe to our channel so we can provide better videos for you
00:40Here's the thing.
00:43For every dollar spent on email marketing
00:46the average rate of return is
00:50That's an awesome rate of return for any other digital marketing
00:56Research by Forrester says that people are more likely to engage with
00:59you..that's 2x...
01:022 times more on email marketing compared to Facebook
01:06Yes email. And finally the conversion rate on email marketing is
01:11greater than that of search and social combined.
01:16You know that proves email marketing is not dead.
01:19It's an awesome tactic. Do not underestimate this tactic.
01:23Talking about my 3 tips with email marketing...the most important
01:25thing being...
01:26... providing value to the customer.
01:30Do not send emails if you're not trying to solve a pain point or
01:34trying to bring...
01:35...something interesting to the customer.
01:37Otherwise email marketing does not make sense.
01:40Blast & Batch..Nah!
01:44The second thing that I want to talk about.. the second TIP for you
01:47guys is respecting the privacy of the customers.
01:51So we have the CAN-SPAM LAW...we have the GDPR.. respect the privacy
01:55of your customers.
01:56If a customer says...
01:58...Unsubscribe or hits the unsubscribe button, do not send emails
02:02after that.
02:03Exactly, it should be easy for them to be able to unsubscribe.
02:06And you have to respect their privacy. We always talk about this...
02:09...Be respectful of the privacy of the customer.
02:12And the final TIP if I have for you guys is Segmentation.
02:16What it means is that you know a lot of companies I see...
02:19...send hundreds of thousands of emails
02:22A better approach to this is
02:24having small Target Groups
02:26And that's what Segmentation is about. You can segment based on
02:29demographics such as age,
02:30gender, interest....
02:32And there are many more variables over here.
02:34Always Segment. Use smaller Target base compared to a large mass
02:38doing, you know, mail and blast kind of thing...
02:41So those were my 3 tips to improving email marketing and getting the
02:45High ROI in your digital marketing.
02:47If you have any other tips that you think are great for email
02:50marketing, go ahead and leave a comment below.
02:53And we will talk to you next time.
