Canadian man surnamed 'Assman' denied personalized license plate

  • 5 years ago
SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA — The CBC reports that a Canadian man with a very unique last name has gotten his request for a personalized license plate denied.

Saskatchewan railroad worker David Assman- that's A-S-S-M-A-N- has been trying and failing to get his name on a license plate since the 90s.

According to the National Post, the surname was rejected as profanity, with the most recent application denied on the grounds that is was "offensive, suggestive, and not in good taste."

Dave told CBC he's not ashamed of his name. It's German and has absolutely nothing to do with heinies.

Still, it's not like people are gonna see A-S-S-M-A-N on a plate and think that.

Saskatchewan Government Insurance, which reviews vanity license plates requests, says they must abide by guidelines "even if a word is someone's name, and pronounced differently than the offensive version."

The National Post reports that SGI has rejected similarly problematic names like "MR WOOD" and even "MEAT", so it's really nothing personal.

And even though Assman still wants his personalized plate, he's not holding his breath.


