Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Advocates for Legalized Marijuana

  • 5 years ago
Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris
Advocates for Legalized Marijuana Kamala Harris has officially announced her stance on marijuana, stating the importance of legalizing it on a federal level and regulating its use. On the radio show 'The Breakfast Club,' Harris reaffirmed her stance and admitted to smoking a joint in college. The California democrat was accused
of being too aggressive on drug offenders,
declining to support a state ballot in 2016 to legalize the drug. She did co-sponsor the "Marijuana Justice Act" in 2018 with Senator Cory Booker to legalize marijuana on a federal level. In her recent book 'The Truths We Hold: An American Journey,'
Harris addressed the United State’s failed war on drugs. via 'The Truths We Hold: An American Journey'