Simple steps to becoming an eco-citizen


par Daily-EarthLife

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Tackling climate change and improving the environment may seem like challenges beyond the capacity of an individual's actions. But we only need to take small, simple steps to reduce our carbon footprint and start re-orientating human activity from the cause of environmental degradation to the means of environmental protection. Consider these straightforward solutions to make your lifestyle more environmentally friendly:
1. Alter consumption and waste management habits: Reduce, reuse and recycle are the three r's of waste hierarchy. The application of which drastically reduces the quantity of waste that ends up in landfills or the oceans
2. Practice composting and plant more trees: This rids your own back yard of pollutants as trees improve air quality and composting prevents unnecessary waste of organic products
3. Take great advantage of alternative means of transport: Carpooling, the use of public transit or a bicycle will rapidly lower your carbon footprint, save you money and you could get some exercise out of it too
4. Shop locally for locally sourced produce: This is more and more popular as food quality is often better as it's had less time to perish and the environment benefits if your kitchen essentials have travelled less
5. Increase eco-energy use at home: You can save money and reduce energy consumption by turning off taps, fixing leakages, installing energy efficient bulbs and insulating the parts of your home where heat is more liable to escape