• 6 years ago
Environmental issues are extending their reach to more and more countries and greatly affecting the lives of some of the world's most vulnerable people. Where nation states and intergovernmental organisation's action are limited or lack complete engagement...
NGOs often take on important roles by carrying out investigations, raising awareness and taking action. The following are among the world's most promenant and effective NGOs whose aim is to tackle various forms of environmental degradation.
1. Greenpeace: Probably the most well-known NGO targeting numerous environmental issues, protesting and confronting perpetrators in a non-violent fashion
2. Rainforest Alliance: An NGO whose primary objective is to promote biodiversity, agricultural sustainability, fair and just farming practices
3. World Wildlife Fund (WWF): An NGO whose primary objective is to promote biodiversity, agricultural sustainability, fair and just farming practices
4. Friends of the Earth: This NGO campaigns on various environmental and human rights issues and pressures political organisations to act in the planet's interest
5. Global Witness: Largely focussed on human rights abuses, exploitation and corruption; all factors which the organisation says, are accelerating the destruction the environment
6. Environmental Defence Fund: The EDF seeks plausible solutions to environment issues through science lead research and lobbying in political spheres
7. The Climate Reality Project: The relatively new project aims to overcome all obstacles to climate change and to empower people to research and capitalise on the solutions available
