World’s first 5G train station

  • 6 years ago
By September 2019, Shanghai’s Hongqiao railway station will become the first terminal in the world to offer super-fast 5G mobile network coverage.
The station’s current 4G network has become too slow to serve the up to 300,000 passengers each day who pass through the major terminal in the western suburbs of the Chinese metropolis.
When online in a few months, passengers will be able to download a 2GB high-definition movie in just 20 seconds, or be able to easily connect to robots serving food and beverages in the station.
Considered a major advance in application of 5G technology, the project is a collaboration between Huawei and China Mobile Shanghai.
Plugging 5G coverage at Hongqiao is a step towards the commercial use of 5G tech in China, aimed to be completed in 2020.
