20. Tender Engines - UK - HD

  • 5 years ago
Tender Engines
Season 3, Episode 20
Duck plays a trick on Henry with some old tenders. Before that, Gordon is given food for thought from Diesel.

Written by Britt Allcroft and David Mitton
Narrated by Michael Angelis
Produced by Britt Allcroft and David Mitton

Subtitles available for the hard-of-hearing.

Thomas & Friends is owned and copyright of HiT Entertainment Limited. I own nothing. No money has, or will ever, be made from this video.
00:37One morning, Gordon was in the yard taking on a large supply of coal.
00:45"That's the third load of coal you've had today, Gordon!" said James. "Some might say you're being rather greedy!"
00:53"I'm an important engine," replied Gordon. "Important engines need plenty of coal, but I doubt if you would understand that, James."
01:00James snorted and went about his work.
01:07Later, Gordon was taking on water from a stand-pipe because the water-tower was under repair.
01:14"I wouldn't drink too much of that water if I were you, Gordon. It might give you boiler-ache!"
01:19"Pah!" said Gordon. "What's this? Educating Gordon Day? First James and now you, Duck! Big engines have big needs, little engines are just annoying!"
01:30"Don't say I didn't warn you," laughed Duck.
01:33Later, Gordon steamed into the yard at the big station.
01:42"That's what I need!" exclaimed Gordon.
01:45There, emerging out of the sheds were two shiny tenders.
01:49"Now if I had two tenders," said Gordon, "I wouldn't have to stop so often and I wouldn't have to listen to silly little engines!"
01:57"Those tenders belong to a visitor," replied his driver.
02:01Diesel sidled up alongside.
02:05"Everyone knows tenders are a mark of distinction, but I'm afraid that no amount of tenders will save you in the end. We diesels are taking over and we don't need tenders to make us important. Not even one."
02:21Gordon was most upset. He was feeling just the same the next day.
02:26"I'm not happy."
02:28"I know," put in Duck brightly. "It's boiler-ache!"
02:32"It's not boiler-ache!" protested Gordon. "It's..."
02:35"Of course it is!" interrupted Henry. "That water's bad. Your boiler must be full of sludge. Have a good washout, then you'll feel a different engine!"
02:43"Don't be vulgar!" puffed Gordon.
02:49He backed down onto his train, hissing mournfully.
02:53"Cheer up, Gordon," said the Fat Controller.
02:57"I can't, sir. Is it true what Diesel says, sir?"
03:00"What does he say?"
03:02"That diesels are taking over."
03:04"Don't worry, Gordon. That will never happen on my railway."
03:07"And one more thing, sir. Why did the visitor have two tenders?"
03:12"Because he lives on a railway with long distances between coaling depots."
03:17Gordon felt better.
03:23But Henry started complaining. He banged some trucks angrily.
03:32"I always work hard enough for two!" he puffed. "I deserve another tender!"
03:37Duck whispered something to Donald. He was going to play a trick on Henry.
03:42"Henry," he asked innocently, "would you like my tenders?"
03:46"Yours? What have you got to do with tenders?"
03:50"Alright," said Duck, "the deal's off. Would you like them, Donald?"
03:54"I wouldnae deprive you of the honour," replied Donald.
03:58"It is a great honour," continued Duck thoughtfully, "but I'm only a tank engine. Perhaps James might..."
04:05"I'm sorry I was rude!" said Henry hastily. "How many tenders have you and when could I have them?"
04:12"Err...umm, I have...six and you can have them this evening."
04:17"Six lovely tenders!" chortled Henry. "What a splendid sight I'll be!"
04:24Henry was excited all day.
04:29"Do you think it'll be alright?" he asked for the umpteenth time.
04:33"Of course," said Duck. "They're all ready now."
04:39The other engines waited where they could each get a good view. But Henry wasn't a splendid sight at all. His six tenders were very old, dirty and filled with boiler sludge.
04:55"Had a good wash-out, Henry?" called a voice. "That's right! You'll feel a different engine now!"
05:02Henry was not sure, but he thought the voice belonged to Gordon.
05:07Subtitles by TTTEpisodes