• 6 years ago
BalconyTV Valencia

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Ajuntament De València

Microphones By// Røde

NUC performs the song "PLUJA DE CENDRA" for BalconyTV.

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“Arran del Mar” és el primer disc d’estudi de NUC, un disc amb 10
cançons produïdes per Mark Dasousa a l’Atomic Estudio (Ondara).
Són cançons fetes des del sentiment, des de l’experiència de viure cada moment.

Nuc és un grup format recentment a la comarca de La Safor, al
País Valencià. L’essència del grup Deo, compositor impregnat
d’estils musicals, barreja la dolçor de la seva veu amb una potent
guitarra rítmica. Als arranjaments de guitarra i cors, Josep, també
com a compositor, li dona color i força a un disc que de segur no deixa indiferent a ningú. Els baixos del disc tenen un especial
protagonisme, baixos directes i potents, de la mà del jove baixista
Michel i, Jesús, amb ritmes de bateria molt directes i ballables.
Nuc fusiona Rock i Indie amb alguns tocs de pop, a més, inclou
sons electrònics, sintetitzadors que donen personalitat i originalitat. L’estil de la banda ve influenciat per grups com Biffy Clyro, Vetusta Morla, Los Planetas, Kings Of Leon... això sí, han sabut forjar el seu propi estil.

Arran del Mar is the first studio album by NUC, a 10-song album produced by Mark Dasousa at Atomic Studio (Ondara).They are songs made from feeling, from the experience of living every moment.

Nuc is a group formed recently in the region of La Safor, in the Valencian Country. The essence of the group, Deo, a composer impregnated with musical styles, mixes the sweetness of his voice with a powerful rhythmic guitar. In the arrangements of guitar and choirs, Josep, also as a composer, gives color and strength to a LP that surely leaves no one indifferent. The basses of the disc have a special protagonism, direct and powerful, played by the young bassist Michel and, Jesus, with very direct and dancer drums. Nuc fuses Rock and Indie with some touches of Pop, in addition, it includes electronic sounds, synthesizers that give personality and originality. The style of the band is influenced by groups such as Biffy Clyro, Vetusta Morla, Los Planetas, Kings Of Leon ... even though, they have been able to forge their own style.



Producer/Presenter - Cristina Contell
Camera - Aitor Balbastre
Sound Engineer - Nando Vidagañ
Photographer & Camera Assistant – Ana Gisbert

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