300 Episodis. 1072 minuts de música, d’emocions, de descobriments i d’amors a la primera escolta. 300 episodis que es remunten a un 15 de febrer de 2013, en un balcó carregat de nervis, d’il·lusió i amb la música de Mates Mates per donar el tret de sortida a un canal que cada dijous, sense cap interrupció, s’ha convertit en un referent de la música a Barcelona. Un espai on descobrir talents emergents i entregar-se al gaudi de les propostes consolidades. Fer la vista enrere i trobar els debuts d’artistes en majúscula com Rosalia, Núria Graham, Pavvla, Lauren Nine, Marina Herlop o Matthew McDaid. I la llista s’estén, sinuosa i carregada de tots els gèneres musicals sense excepció. 300 episodis de pop, de folk, de cançó d’autor i de música clàssica, però també de metal, de prog-rock, de psicodèlia, de hip-hop, electrònica, flamenc i punk. 300 episodis que canten per si mateixos. I els que ens queden… Feliç Any Nou de part de tot l'equip de BalconyTV Barcelona!
300 episodes. 1072 minutes of music. Endless seconds of emotion and open jaws in awe and kidnapped feet by the rhythm. 300 episodes that go all the way back to a 15th of February in 2013, in a balcony filled with nerves, but also excitement and with Mates Mates opening a channel that, Thursday after Thursday has become a referent in the music scene of Barcelona and the whole country. A place to discover the best emerging talents and enjoy the well-known acts. To look back and find the debut of now huge artists such as Rosalia, Nuria Graham, Pavvla, Lauren Nine, Marina Herlop or Matthew McDaid. And the list goes on and on, bringing all genres on board, no exception. 300 episodes of pop, folk, classical music, but also metal, prog-rock, psychedelia, hip-hop, electronic, flamenco, and punk. 300 episodes that speak for themselves. And the best is yet to come… Cheers to 300 more episodes by your side!
300 episodes. 1072 minutes of music. Endless seconds of emotion and open jaws in awe and kidnapped feet by the rhythm. 300 episodes that go all the way back to a 15th of February in 2013, in a balcony filled with nerves, but also excitement and with Mates Mates opening a channel that, Thursday after Thursday has become a referent in the music scene of Barcelona and the whole country. A place to discover the best emerging talents and enjoy the well-known acts. To look back and find the debut of now huge artists such as Rosalia, Nuria Graham, Pavvla, Lauren Nine, Marina Herlop or Matthew McDaid. And the list goes on and on, bringing all genres on board, no exception. 300 episodes of pop, folk, classical music, but also metal, prog-rock, psychedelia, hip-hop, electronic, flamenco, and punk. 300 episodes that speak for themselves. And the best is yet to come… Cheers to 300 more episodes by your side!