Aoshima Island Japan (猫島日本) has a population of 15 people who live there, aged between 50 to 80 years old, and more than 100 cats.
The island has become so popular because of the internet that it is now a major tourist destination for cat lovers.
Cats were originally brought to the Islands by fishermen as a way of controlling the rodent populations, and today, dogs are strictly forbidden.
Aoshima is not the only island filled with cats, there are actually 11 Islands, but Aoshima seems to get the most attention on the internet and in turn from tourists
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The island has become so popular because of the internet that it is now a major tourist destination for cat lovers.
Cats were originally brought to the Islands by fishermen as a way of controlling the rodent populations, and today, dogs are strictly forbidden.
Aoshima is not the only island filled with cats, there are actually 11 Islands, but Aoshima seems to get the most attention on the internet and in turn from tourists
animals, compilation, funny, try not to laugh, funny animal, zoo, kids, animal, funniest, funny dogs, funny animals, laugh, cute, funny cat, pet, funny dog, video, dogs, people reaction, kids at the zoo, forest animals, zoo animals, edm, official video animals, martin garrix official, big room, official music video, animals official, martin garrix official video, martin garrix animals official video, electro house, animals martin garrix, animals official video, martin garrix animals, spinning records, spinnin records, spinning, spinnin, martin garrix, spinnin' records (record label)