Kareena Kapoor Khan confirms Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora's relationship. In the latest episode of Koffee With Karan, Karan asked Priyanka if she was aware of who Varun Dhawan was dating. But while she said no, she went on to add that she's aware Arjun Kapoor is dating Malaika Arora. Soon after, Kareena tries to change the topic but Karan promptly asks her, “So, Arjun is dating Malaika. Are you aware of that?” Watch this video to know more!!!
#KareenaKapoorKhan #Koffeewithkaranseason6 #ArjunKapoor #MalaikaArora
#KareenaKapoorKhan #Koffeewithkaranseason6 #ArjunKapoor #MalaikaArora