Σ' ένα χωριό της Τουρκίας, το Αντιγιανάν, η στρατιωτική χούντα έχει επιβληθεί στον τρόπο ζωής των κατοίκων, αφού βρισκόμαστε στο 1982. Μια ομάδα από αυτούς έχει φτιάξει μια μουσική μπάντα και ζει στην παρανομία, διοργανώνοντας κρυφές παραστάσεις. Όταν συλλαμβάνονται, τα πράγματα αλλάζουν, αλλά προς… το καλύτερο. Ο διοικητής της περιοχής αποφασίζει να τους οργανώσει σε επίσημη στρατιωτική μπάντα. Τώρα προετοιμάζονται πυρετωδώς για την άφιξη επισήμων από την πρωτεύουσα και ενώ οι ντόπιοι αντιστασιακοί θέλουν να προκαλέσουν φασαρία. Θα πάνε όλα καλά, ή το ότι κανείς τους δεν γνωρίζει τον ήχο της σοσιαλιστικής διεθνούς, θα τα τινάξει όλα στον αέρα;
The film is telling a story from Turkey in a difficult time slice and place. The time is 1982 and place is Adiyaman from less developed portion of Turkey. Story is using local musicians who are earning their life from night entertainments or from weddings, as a tool to develop around. Scenario is convincing well and many details such as small things, objects, and clothes are perfectly reflecting that time and that place. This is together with the correct dialogs developed between local people and officers, giving a highly realistic atmosphere to the movie. In spite of some accent errors, cast is successful as well.
The film is telling a story from Turkey in a difficult time slice and place. The time is 1982 and place is Adiyaman from less developed portion of Turkey. Story is using local musicians who are earning their life from night entertainments or from weddings, as a tool to develop around. Scenario is convincing well and many details such as small things, objects, and clothes are perfectly reflecting that time and that place. This is together with the correct dialogs developed between local people and officers, giving a highly realistic atmosphere to the movie. In spite of some accent errors, cast is successful as well.
Short film