Signs of disharmony between U.S. and N. Korea were seen throughout summit

  • 5 years ago
The sudden end to the summit in Hanoi caught many by surprise.
But actually,... there were some signs of such a collapse earlier in the summit.
Won Jung-hwan reports.

The two leaders sitting at a table in front of reporters early on Thursday started to show some small mismatches in their remarks.
During a one-on-one conversation between the two, while North Korean leader Kim Jong-un seemed keen to move things faster,… U.S. President Donald Trump repeatedly stressed that there is "no rush" to make a deal.

"I've been saying very much from the beginning that speed is not that important to me. No rush no rush, we just want to do the right deal."

"Time is the most important thing for us…"

Following those remarks,… some critics started to raise their eyebrows in regards to their disharmony over the timeline.
Then on the table of the expanded meeting between the two sides,… something rare could be seen by the global audience.
While it is normal to match the number of aides on the table,… the U.S. brought three aides, but North Korea only brought two.
U.S. National Security advisor John Bolton was added at the table, but his counterpart's seat was left empty.

This may have been because the North Korean side couldn't find someone who matches Bolton's level,… or perhaps there was some friction regarding the invitation of Bolton,... who is known to be a hardliner when it comes to foreign policy.
And things then took a sudden turn as the signing ceremony was cancelled and the official lunch left uneaten. Table settings and name cards went unused in the empty dining hall of the Metropole Hotel, the summit venue, as the leaders made their way back to their own hotels, and the reality that there would be no deal in Hanoi hit home.
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.