Uproar in Rajya Sabha over granting leave to Sachin Tendulkar

  • 5 years ago
There was a ruckus in Rajya Sabha on Monday as cricketer Sachin Tendulkar's application for being granted leave was brought before the House.

Tendulkar is a nominated member of the Upper House. Objections have been raised by members about his absence from the House.

Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien said Tendulkar has requested permission to be absent from the House, citing "personal and professional commitments" and "family exigencies".

It is a regular practice to take up applications from members seeking leave from the sittings of the House and it is generally granted by members without any objection.

However, as Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien read out the application from Tendulkar seeking leave, some members raised objections and created a din.

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