Critters: A New Binge is a comedy-horror Shudder exclusive series that picks up the tale of the Critters - hairy, carnivorous, insatiable aliens - from the beloved 1980s film franchise. Pursued by intergalactic bounty hunters, the Critters return to Earth on a secret mission and encounter Christopher, a lovelorn high-schooler, his best friend Charlie, his crush Dana, and his mom Veronica - whose past will come back to bite them. Who will survive? And who will be eaten? Coming to Shudder March 21.
directed by Jordan Rubin
starring Joey Morgan, Stephi Chin-Salvo, Bzhaun Rhoden, Christian Sloan, Kirsten Robek, Gilbert Gottfried, Thomas Lennon, Jocelyn Panton, Alison Wandzura, Corrina Conlan
release date March 21, 2019 (on Shudder)
directed by Jordan Rubin
starring Joey Morgan, Stephi Chin-Salvo, Bzhaun Rhoden, Christian Sloan, Kirsten Robek, Gilbert Gottfried, Thomas Lennon, Jocelyn Panton, Alison Wandzura, Corrina Conlan
release date March 21, 2019 (on Shudder)
Short film