Hope Baptist Mission Children's Home

  • 16 years ago
http://www.firstgiving.com/hope4children The Hope Baptist Mission Children's Home was started in Juarez, Mexico to house unwanted and orphaned children. The home is set in the outskirts of Juarez in a very needy area. Juarez is a very violent city. This year as of Oct. 1, there has already been more than 1000 homicides. The city has about 2.2 million in population. Mexico is not set up with a foster care system like the USA. If a child becomes unwanted or orphaned and no family is there to care for them, they end up on the streets. Gang and drug violence end many lives early that could have been saved if they had not been in that environment. Hope Baptist Mission will house 64 children. It seems like such a meager number when we know there are so many kids in need of a home.