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What is love? No, seriously. Have you ever tried to explain what this strange word means to yourself?
When I was young and foolish, I thought that love meant feeling constantly attracted to your partner. Dumb, right? But admit it – many of us probably thought that. When you feel at home and intrigued when you’re with them, like there’s always something you can be doing together – that’s when you start thinking that this is probably love. What else could it really be? But guys, it’s not true – it turns out that it doesn’t really work like that. And Ava and Cado became convinced of this through their own example.
Love means roaring with laughter at his jokes. Love means conquering her heart every time, just like it’s the first time. It means struggling to remember every anniversary, and doing everything she asks of you if only to make sure she doesn’t hit you with a frying pan.
Love is...well, just watch our new episode to find out.
00:10 LOVE IS… Always Coming To Their Aid
00:58 LOVE IS… Putting The Toilet Seat Down After You’ve Finished
01:38 LOVE IS… Remembering The Date Of Your First Kiss
02:32 LOVE IS… When You’re Told That You’re As Beautiful As A Goddess
03:26 LOVE IS… Loving Her Mischievous Laugh
04:27 When You Have A Date Tonight
05:28 Bath Routine
06:30 When You Can’t Choose: Pink Or Neon Pink
07:05 Gifts
07:31 A Night Together
07:59 An Evening Without Him
08:25 Phone Talk
08:51 Beauty Requires Sacrifice
09:20 Wonder Woman
09:54 Everything Is Calculated
10:21 A Tempting Offer
Music by Epidemic Sound:
What is love? No, seriously. Have you ever tried to explain what this strange word means to yourself?
When I was young and foolish, I thought that love meant feeling constantly attracted to your partner. Dumb, right? But admit it – many of us probably thought that. When you feel at home and intrigued when you’re with them, like there’s always something you can be doing together – that’s when you start thinking that this is probably love. What else could it really be? But guys, it’s not true – it turns out that it doesn’t really work like that. And Ava and Cado became convinced of this through their own example.
Love means roaring with laughter at his jokes. Love means conquering her heart every time, just like it’s the first time. It means struggling to remember every anniversary, and doing everything she asks of you if only to make sure she doesn’t hit you with a frying pan.
Love is...well, just watch our new episode to find out.
00:10 LOVE IS… Always Coming To Their Aid
00:58 LOVE IS… Putting The Toilet Seat Down After You’ve Finished
01:38 LOVE IS… Remembering The Date Of Your First Kiss
02:32 LOVE IS… When You’re Told That You’re As Beautiful As A Goddess
03:26 LOVE IS… Loving Her Mischievous Laugh
04:27 When You Have A Date Tonight
05:28 Bath Routine
06:30 When You Can’t Choose: Pink Or Neon Pink
07:05 Gifts
07:31 A Night Together
07:59 An Evening Without Him
08:25 Phone Talk
08:51 Beauty Requires Sacrifice
09:20 Wonder Woman
09:54 Everything Is Calculated
10:21 A Tempting Offer
Music by Epidemic Sound: