• il y a 6 ans
Vacation are usually the best times in the life of every person we are looking forward to, especially if you’re traveling with your significant other. ️

We want them to be ideal but everything often doesn’t go according to plan, oh those vacation problems.

For example, we end up not visiting all the museums and cathedrals that are marked in our guidebook, we feel tired after the vacation, or we forget to put sunscreen on our skin and get sunburned.

Ava & Cado think that minor trouble on trips is no reason to be unhappy. You shouldn’t take it seriously.

The sweet Avocado Couple will tell you about this even better than regular travelers.

About That Oldie - Vibe Tracks
Merengue de Limon - Quincas Moreira
Great Hope - Vibe Mountain
Vacation Uke - ALBIS

Night swims in the sea may seem romantic... 0:16
She always has more luggage than he does. 0:29
Many people know these feelings really well... 0:40
People may misunderstand your behavior on the beach. 1:10
Men are tough creatures. 1:26
Eating local cuisine is like playing Russian roulette. 1:39
Local marketing can look scary. 1:51
Swimming in public swimming pools will never look like the scenes from Hollywood movies. 2:12
It’s sometimes hard to avoid embarrassment. 2:37
This happens every time...3:03
Actually, vacations can be pretty tiring. 3:22 humor


