• 6 years ago
In an incredibly authoritarian move, Australia has started banning anyone who engages in wrongthink. Too bad you don't have free speech written into your Constitution, mates. It seems that the Lefty protesters who are completely against anything that might hurt their feefees are winning with THEIR violence and THEIR closed-mindedness. The Australian (and British) governments are literally bowing to bullies who cry that they are too sensitive to hear different opinions. Sorry for your forthcoming echo chamber of a country. But, much like the UK and US (and even Canada now), you're going to see some major push-back. Once people have tasted freedom, they don't give it up easily, no matter how much power you take from them.

Sadly, these bullies --- while literally engaging in fascist tactics that would make any Nazi blush --- literally (and unironically) call themselves "anti" fascists. While calling a Gay Jew an anti-Semite. You can't make this crap up.

Right-wing activist Milo Yiannopoulos says he has been left 'confused, appalled, amused and devastated' by letter warning he could be banned from Australia – as he claims the Liberal Party is 'not fit to govern': http://archive.fo/xxexS

Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes’ visa application denied: http://archive.fo/yiVXj

Australian government declines visa for right-wing activist Lauren Southern ahead of speaking tour: http://archive.fo/GFcUD

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